Real money for NEO--hurray for our team!
Sometimes the news is so good it just makes ya wanna grin from ear to ear. The enewsletter from Jumpstart today did just that for me. Check this out (I'm just putting the whole thing in here because it's all so cool):
When the Defense Base Closure and Realignment (BRAC) Commission told Cleveland that the DFAS Center here wasn't competitive enough to stay open, Carol Caruso and Fred Nance of the Greater Cleveland Partnership (GCP) and Congressman Steve LaTourette, said we will just see about that. And so this Dream Team of economic development joined forces to turn a potential loss of 1,000 jobs into a 400 job gain by proving the evaluation process used by the commission was flawed.Congratulations to Congressman LaTourette, the GC Partnership, and to Jumpstart. Visit JumpStart here.
What many readers of JS Connect may not know (or remember) is that this team came together before, not to defend jobs, but to help create new ones in entrepreneurial endeavors. With coordinating help from GCP and the political will of Congressman LaTourette, JumpStart recently received the "official" grant award from the Economic Development Administration (EDA) for $735,000. This marks the conclusion of an effort that started nearly a year ago to get federal dollars for economic development into Northeast Ohio. This simply wouldn't have happened without the support of Congressman LaTourette and the Greater Cleveland Partnership - coming together for the benefit of Northeast Ohio.
Now, we're talkin' action.

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