Who's pressing for technology expansion?
Well, I can tell you it ain't just us folks in Cleveland. Doing some research for a project while I'm in Chicago and stumbled on this website called Chicago Technology Today, and doncha know, the Chicago Mayor's Council of Technology Advisors sounds an awful lot like the leaders here in Cleveland--crying out for more investment, decrying the lack of new tech businesses, warning that Chicago could fall behind other cities--even though it never has.
It pays to look at what's going on elsewhere--especially for the segment of Clevelanders who still have that famous inferiority complex. Check out below and just substitute Cleveland for Chicago and COSE for Chicago Entrepreneurial Center. And anything you see on this site that you think we can use in Cleveland but don't yet have, let's talk about it.
As the only entity in the Chicagoland area dedicated to serving the more than 400,000 small and mid-sized businesses throughout our six-county region, the Chicagoland Entrepreneurial Center (the Center) helps ensure the future success of these businesses and protects the interests of our community at large. The Chicagoland Entrepreneurial Center is an initiative of the Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce.They're about providing programs and services to small and emerging businesses--to create and retain jobs, help business startups, expansions and acquisitions; and strengthen links between those who make up the "rich network of resources in the metropolitan area."
The issue appears to be that neither Cleveland, nor Chicago, nor any city stands alone in its struggle in the new global environment. And thinking about robbing Peter Ohio to pay Paul Illinois doesn't make a lot of sense. So Capitalist Clevelanders, as you're out there creating businesses, think about how much you're contributing to this whole world by creating more instead of taking someone else's something. It's a good thing--but as we all know, it ain't easy.
Pat yourselves on the back today.

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