Smoggy sunset over Philly
Sitting on a stifling airplane on the ground in Philadelphia waiting for air lanes to the west (to Cleveland and Boston) to open up. Apparently some stormy areas--something to do with coolness, can we hope?
Air conditioning. I don't think I could have survived without the last several weeks of 90-plus heat and humidity. And though It's probably a big contributor to the horrible smog and pollution hanging over our cities these days, I wonder if--like our cars--anyone's willing to give it up? Frankly, I'd rather have a society without cars than one without air conditioning.
Please don't throw that! Okay, maybe you disagree with my position. But think about it. If we had no cars, we'd have more trains, buses and electric vehicles. We'd see more of each other (for good or for bad, of course) and we'd have to get along. We'd probably start to do more socializing. We'd have to accept our neighbors--even lots of people who weren't exactly like us. It would be like the old days--for good or bad.
The mobile post capability only allows so much text so I'm adding this on Wednesday. Was thinking how no cars would affect business. Very interesting--but not nearly so restrictive as the days before the Internet. So, we can be local but we can be international, even with no cars. Hmmmm. I'm definitely likin' this picture.

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