Cleveland nominated for best "business-cool" places
Well, just lost that post... "( Starting again...
Business owners, be of good cheer. Cleveland was nominated as one of the world's best places for having good things that make a business climate desirable--and the World Teleport Association gave us serious consideration.
Here are the criteria--just think how you might be able to use these kinds of resources:
- Attracting new businesses to the community or stimulating their formation
- Creating training programs to equip citizens with knowledge-worker skills
- New job creation
- New technology infrastructure investment, whether of “hard” assets, services or software
- Improvements in the delivery of government and public services such as education, administration, law enforcement or citizen participation
- Innovation in government procedures and/or business processes
So who cares if we didn't win? It's exciting and encouraging to know that we belong in the competition.

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